Time to crack down

Although one or two publications are guilty of this, the biggest culprits can be found in cyberspace where writers think that just because the government does not want to impose censorship, they can carry on writing anything they want with impunity.

The Sun Daily

THE prime minister’s call for Malaysians to practise moderation when making comments touching on racial and religious issues, although timely, has not been the first. Time and again, our leaders have repeatedly demanded that some restraint be exercised when it comes to such issues, especially in this multi-racial and multi-religious society of ours.

But these reminders and warnings have fallen on deaf ears and some believe that they have the immunity and political clout to get away with their narrow-minded views and opinions. While freedom of speech is guaranteed under the Constitution, inciting hatred against one another is totally unacceptable. That the Sedition Act can be used on those who incite religious and racial hatred has not acted as a deterrent.

Although one or two publications are guilty of this, the biggest culprits can be found in cyberspace where writers think that just because the government does not want to impose censorship, they can carry on writing anything they want with impunity. There are scores of websites whose contents more than border on absurdity with all kinds of racial and religious undertones. And no attempt seems to be made by a good portion of webmasters to moderate and edit comments. While the law holds them responsible as “publishers”, many have chosen to throw caution to the wind.

Many tend to think that “no censorship” means that they can write anything without being accountable for their actions. Besides, they think they can get away by hiding behind pen-names and pseudonyms. That’s far from the truth and despite being aware, there are few who continue to spew their brand of racial and religious hatred.

For the sake of the country and its future, the activities of this small group of people must be brought to an immediate halt. The police are said to be recording statements from two Yang Berhormats, but they are many others whose comments breach the law. The police should crack down on all people lest accusations of selective persecution are made. The full force of the law must be used against them, irrespective of their political leanings and social standing or status.
After all, everyone is equal before the law.
