Read my lips: MACC is not a Gestapo outfit

MACC’s feelings have been hurt. Lim Kit Siang called them a Gestapo organisation. They have been accused of indiscriminately arresting people, of handcuffing people for no reason when they do not present a danger to anyone, of even killing witnesses who are not even suspects in any crime. This has hurt the feelings of the MACC. They just can’t figure out why anyone would accuse them of all that.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Lawyer Rosli Dahlan was charged at a Sessions Court here with not disclosing all information on his assets in his sworn statement last month.

Rosli, 46, a partner in Lee Hishammuddin Allen & Gledhill, was alleged to have not complied with the terms of a notice dated July 17, 2007, issued by the Prosecutor under Section 32(1)(b) of the Anti-Corruption Act 1997, to give full information relating to his assets.

Rosli then sought permission from Judge S.M. Komathy Suppiah to address the court.

Rosli said the timing of ACA to charge him a day before Hari Raya was “calculated to humiliate him. I have suffered enough. If I go to the mosque tomorrow or if I dared to go, I will be a subject of scorn and ridicule,” he said.

He also told Komathy that he stood in dock very sad because of the manner he was “apprehended” by ACA officers.

Kumaraendran said ACA officers arrested his client at his office at 2.30pm on Thursday and that they handcuffed him tightly.

He said a senior ACA officer also threatened to punch Rosli.  – The Star, 13 October 2007

