FRU to check rowdy MPs

(NST) KUALA TERENGGANU: Federal Reserve Unit and Light Strike Force personnel may be deployed in the frontlines of a by-election if politicians insist on unsavoury behaviour.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said this was to ensure the safety of citizens.

He was commenting on the commotion created by Padang Serai member of parliament N. Gobalakrishnan who was detained after a stand-off with police at the nomination centre for the Permatang Pasir by-election.

Police had earlier told him to stop addressing the public using a loudhailer, but the warnings went unheeded.

Police moved in to detain him but a group of about 50 supporters intervened, resulting in a fracas.

Hishammuddin said based on the smooth and mature democratic process during the Manik Urai by-election, he felt the FRU and LSF was not necessary for the Permatang Pasir by-election.

"I feel guilty. I have to apologise to the police. I convinced them not to send in the FRU in place of a friendlier police face, only to get treated this way," Hishammuddin said after chairing the state Umno liasion committee meeting, here, yesterday.

In Kuala Lumpur, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz said Gobalakrishnan had brought shame to the title "Yang Berhormat".

"This very unbecoming behaviour for an MP. He should know better," he said after launching the reactivated Commercial Vehicle Licensing Board hotline here.

Nazri said the police should not be afraid to take action against MPs as no one was above the law.

"We cannot tolerate this kind of rude and reckless behaviour. He should be punished for his actions."
