Salahuddin to Ahmad Zahid: Let’s debate

(Bernama) – PAS vice-president Salahuddin Ayub has challenged Umno vice-president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi to debate on the issue of the revocation of the civil lawyer's licence of Rohaizat Othman, the Barisan Nasional candidate for the Permatang Pasir by-election.

Salahuddin has given Ahmad Zahid 24 hours to say whether he is willing to take up the challenge.

"I challenge Zahid to a one-to-one debate. I want to expose the situation involving the BN candidate for the by-election," he said at a ceramah in Permatang Tok Kandu here last night.

salahuddin-ayub-ahmad-zahid-hamidi.jpgHe said Ahmad Zahid, who is also Umno liaison chief, was not careful about the selection of BN candidate for the by-election.

"I am shocked, sad and disappointed as a mistake has been made by the Umno vice-president consciously or unconsciously. This carelessness is shameful," he said.

Up to voters to decide

It was reported that Rohaizat's civil lawyer's licence had been revoked by the Malaysian Bar Council due to problems involving his partner in their legal firm.

On Ahmad Zahid's statement that PAS should not dispute Rohaizat's candidacy, Salahuddin said: "This is a problem for the Permatang Pasir residents because if he wins, he will be representing them."

Rohaizat, 38, who is the Permatang Pauh Umno division secretary, will be facing Penang PAS commissioner Mohd Salleh Man, 52, in the state seat by-election.

It is being held following the death of the incumbent assemblyman Datuk Mohd Hamdan Abdul Rahman from PAS from heart failure on July 31.
