Stern warning to those who violate laws on Net

(The Star) PUTRAJAYA: Those who violate laws through cyberspace will face the music, pledged Information, Communications, Culture and Arts Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim.

He said the Malaysian Com­munications and Multimedia Commission (SKMM) would work alongside the police to nab those who also made seditious statements or negative remarks against the Malay rulers and religion.

“There are sufficient laws in place and our aim is to see less time spent investigating and concluding cases involving the Internet.

“We want the Commission to beef up efforts and will also work closely with the Attorney-General’s Chambers to ensure offenders are hauled to court expeditiously,” he told reporters after a joint ministerial meeting with Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein and Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz yesterday.

Rais said while the right to voice views and opinions re­­mained intact, the public must remember that there were laws and rules that must be followed and respected.

Hishammuddin reiterated that the government would not filter the use of the Internet as there were sufficient laws to act on web abusers.

“We will not censor. There is no issue of censorship at all. But it is also our duty to protect public interest and the safe use of cyberspace.

“The public must also learn to be responsible and accountable in what they do on the Internet and there are laws in place to deal with those who violate the law,” he said.
