The final nail in Rohaizat’s political coffin

The People's Parliament

Yusri Ishak, Rohaizat’s former partner in legal practice, and who Rohaizat completely blames for the breach of trust that got him disbarred, held a ‘tell all’ press conference this morning in Penanti.

Malaysianinsider has the report HERE.

Unfortunately, the Malaysianinsider report does not have as much detail as that in Malaysiakini.

Ordinarily, I would not do this, as I think you people ought to subscribe to Malaysiakini to keep them going, but I’m going to make an exception today for the benefit of those who still have not subscribed and do a cut and paste of Yusri’s full bersion from Malaysiakini of what really happened.

From Yusri, as reported in Malaysiakini :

“It’s a blatant lie to say that he never knew anything about the cooperative land and money transactions. Apart from me, he was also the legitimate signatory of the company accounts. To suggest that he was implicated by my wrongdoing is a lie…He was also responsible for the misappropriation of the cooperative funds. It is unethical in the legal profession .. . Rohaizat was guilty of it”.

Malaysiakini reports that Yusri said that he had quit as a lawyer in 2003 and went into agriculture.

Quoting Yusri again from Malaysiakini :

“I was never charged by the Bar Council or had my licence revoked. I did not renew my legal practicing licence because I thought I was not suitable for the profession”.

What follows below is Malaysiakini’s narration of the elaboration given by Yusri at the PC, and not verbatim excerps of what Yusri is supposed to have said.

