Are you defending us-your voters, in Baram or defending Taib?


YB Dato Jacob Dungau Sagan our MP for Baram during a visit to Kampung Long Banyok, Baram recently told his audience not to listen to those who opposed the proposed Baram hydro project or dam sited between Kampong Long Nahah’a and Kampung Long Kesseh in the middle Baram. YB Jacob even said that he has been forewarned by the authorities that the dam will be implemented elsewhere and the billions of ringgit worth of projects associated with it will also be channeled elsewhere if the Baram people opposed the dam.

YB Lihan Jok on the other hand has said that the proposed dam is “God’s gift” to the people in Baram. 

But then, Dato Jacob, what is the worth of all the timbers from Baram extracted by the big companies all these years? Surely, they were worth hundreds of billions of ringgit. And the remaining timbers? Surely, they are at least worth tens of billions of ringgit too. And what about our NCR lands in Baram now illegally alienated by your BN boss, Taib Mahmud, also to the big companies for oil palms and acacia trees? Surely, they are not only worth hundreds of billions of ringgit but will generate tens of billions of ringgit in time to come. 

For many terms now you are our wakil rakyat, our MP. Now you are even a Deputy Minister. Do you understand what the roles of wakil rakyat are? You are holder of a master degree. Surely you know that. 

As a wakil of the rakyat of Baram, surely you know it is your most important role to act, speak and fight for and to defend the rights and interests of the rakyat of Baram without whose vote you would not have been what you are today. 

So why is it that you have to go along with Taib and the BN government threatening the people of Baram that if they do not support the proposed dam, the dam will not only be relocated elsewhere but so-called projects worth so-called billions of ringgits associated with the dam will be channeled elsewhere?

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