Death at MACC: My CSI XIII – Letter from MACC Officers

By Dr. Rafick

1. When Gobind raised the matter for the first time during the inquest that he had received a letter “purportedly” written by MACC officers, I had a gut feeling that some good and decent MACC officers, despite living in fear could no longer tolerate the abuse the public has given to MACC as whole. These are honest people and have the best interest of MACC at heart but they have to be careful in their actions as there are bigger forces at play.

2. The moment it was announced, I asked a few friends whether they could assist me in getting a copy of the letter. By the time I sighted the copy, RPK has done all of us a favor by publishing it in his blog. Prior to that I was not sure whether I should do it. I am glad RPK did it and spare me the trouble of bringing it out.

3. Being a former government servant, the first thing that came to my mind is the authenticity of the letter. Based on what was shown on RPK website and what was mentioned by Gobind, the following points basically points to the fact that it is indeed authentic

a. It carries the official letterhead of MACC
b. The format of writing is a standard government format in terms of heading and numbering system.
c. The language of the letter is very much official is usually used by officers in government service
d. The letter states the in a correct manner, the post of the person, his position acronym
e. The way the writer address the reader is also in a typical government writing (Y.Bhg.Tan Sri/Dato/Tuan/Puan)
f. The slogan at the end of the letter is a standard practice of writing.

4. In my mind, it goes beyond reasonable doubt that the letter is authentic. The sad thing though, none of the mainstream paid any emphasis on this letter. What was highlighted is that the case of burning their official X-trail in Klang. The timing of the burning also coincides with the timing of the letter was released to the public. It made wonder whether it was intentionally done to divert public attention over the matter.

5. While Khir Toyo has denied any involvement in the scheme of things to bring the downfall of the Selangor government as indicated in the letter, it certainly cast serious shadow over the matter. It is not too long ago, when the issue of Khir Toyo bungalow was raised and based on the letter that was released, it explains quite well why there is no further action taken on this case.

6. There were two parts of the letter that in my mind that is relevant.

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