Khairy claims PAS insulted by DAP

Khairy Jamaluddin addressing a less-than-full-house ceramah in Permatang Pasir yesterday. – Picture by Jack Ooi

(The Malaysian Insider) PERMATANG PASIR, Aug 21 – Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin claims PAS in Penang has been ostracised and insulted by DAP because there is no PAS representation on the state exco.

The accusation was made in apparent attempt to drive a wedge between the two which have been experiencing less than a smooth relationship recently.

“Despite being the sole representative in the Penang government, PAS has not been given the exco post which shows that it is not appreciated by the DAP. This is an insult to them,” said Khairy at a ceramah before some 400 people here.

“I dare Lim Guan Eng to appoint the PAS candidate as an exco if he wins,” he added followed by a loud roar from the audience.

DAP has been the target of Umno’s ongoing campaign to portray the party as anti-Islam and the open squabbling between them and PAS, often on issues PR claimed have been maliciously manipulated into racial and Islamic ones like the beer sale in Selangor, have provided Umno with much ammunition.

The race card appears to be a favoured weapon in Umno’s bid to regain lost Malay support and has been used throughout their campaign in the predominantly Malay Permatang Pasir.

Read more at: Khairy claims PAS insulted by DAP
