MACC deputy chief scoffs at mystery letter

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal, The Malaysian Insider

MACC deputy chief commissioner Datuk Abu Kassim Mohamed dismissed the allegations contained in a mystery letter purportedly written by anti-graft officers implicating a senior officer in the death of DAP political aide Teoh Beng Hock.

While he pointed out that he had not read the letter sent to Gobind Singh Deo, the lawyer for Teoh’s family, he was positive the allegations are false, based on what his officers have told him about the contents.

But he said that an investigation will, nonetheless, be carried out on the allegations raised in the letter.

“Investigations will be carried out accordingly to ascertain the validity of the said letter. If indeed the information in the letter is related to the inquest, we will hand the matter over to the police to take appropriate action,” the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) No 2 told reporters here today.

The letter was delivered on Tuesday to Gobind, and was sent by anonymous parties claiming to be “MACC officials” who urged the authorities to probe a senior anti-graft officer for corruption and involvement in the DAP political aide’s death.

Yesterday, Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo also denied allegations contained in the letter implicating him in a conspiracy with a senior anti-graft officer to bring down the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) Selangor government.

The letter, written in Bahasa Malaysia on an MACC letterhead, appears to give lawyers for the family ammunition and a roadmap to investigate Teoh’s death.

A senior official of the MACC was named as someone who was personally involved in questioning Teoh in the final hours before he died.

An account of what happened during questioning was also suggested.

The letter accuses the senior official of widespread corruption involving previous investigations.

It also accuses the senior officer of acting on the instruction of Dr Mohd Khir from the time he was the Selangor mentri besar to initiate investigations into possible corruption involving the current government.

