A ghostly letter on a plot to crush the Selangor government

(Malaysian Mirror) – A letter circulating in cyberspace has accused a key Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission official and a prominent Barisan Nasional politician of conspiring to topple the Selangor government by conducting a witch-hunt that has indirectly resulted in the death of political aide Teoh Beng Hock.

abu-kassim.jpgHowever, MACC deputy director Abu Kassim (pic) said the commission would have to determine if the letter, which has been published on numerous portals and blogs, is authentic and the same one presented on Thursday at the inquest into Teoh’s death.

He said the commission, which has yet to get a copy of the letter presented at the inquest, wants to know if it is one and the same as the version which has been published online.

“If they match, we will let the police and our internal complaints board to investigate,” he said Friday.

Lawyer Gobind Singh Deo, who is holding a watching brief for Teoh’s family at the inquest, had produced the letter at the court before coroner Azmil Muntapha Abas.

The coroner has since instructed the police to investigate the contents of the letter.

Police hkhalid-abu-bakar.pngas started probe

Selangor police chief Deputy Comm Khalid Abu Bakar (pic) said that he could not elaborate but added that the police have started their probe.

He said the results of the investigation would be sent to the court for the inquest.

On July 15, Teoh was taken in for questioning by the MACC as a witness in its investigation into the alleged abuse of constituency funds by certain elected representatives in the state.

Teoh, 30, was the political secretary to state executive councillor Ean Yong Hian Wah.

Teoh’s body was found on the fifth floor of the Plaza Masalam building, nine levels below the Selangor office of the MACC, on July 16.

The inquest is being carried out at the directive of the Cabinet, which has also agreed to the setting up of a Royal Commission of Inquiry to look into the interrogation methods of the MACC.

Masterminds behind alleged plot

The mysterious letter signed by writers claiming to be MACC officers,  named a high-ranking commission officer in Selangor and a state Barisan leader as being the masterminds of a plot to topple the state government.

The letter said the anti-corruption official concerned is a powerful person who makes decisions that allegedly benefit only him and his cronies.

So, it added, after years of holding a key post it was not surprising that the official is now working in cahoots with the politician, whose interests he was obliged to take care of.

The letter gave instances of corrupt practices allegedly committed by the official, as follows:

–          Closing a case involving the construction of  a 20.5km stretch of road across a padi field in Sekinchan that cost RM92.5mil and which subsequently benefited several people close to the politician

–           Owns a) several houses that were each bought at a special price offered by a developer whose case he closed  b) a petrol station along the Federal Highway that was registered under a relative’s name and  c) several plots of land, including a plot close to the SACC mall in Shah Alam that is registered under his wife’s name        macc.png

–          Evaded arrest by showing his authority card when policemen caught him for khalwat (close proximity) with a woman subordinate. The woman was subsequently transferred out of the Selangor office though her affair with the official is said to be continuing.

Calls for independent probe

The writers said they had grown fed up of the antics of the official, who has the support of some ‘higher-ups’, and who could only be stopped if there is  an ‘independent investigation’ against him that has the approval of the Cabinet.

They added that the official would try every means to find fault with the current state government and to eventually see it collapse so that his ‘secrets’ will not be leaked.
