Kampung Buah Pala – episode of sadness…….

By Candidman

The racist politicians in the guise of their venerable leaders, together with the lackeys, the Resident Association's vice-secretary have been telling them that they are the gifted minority, and they deserve more for their land!

I had a brief discussion with one of my old Indian guard, who is also a retired TNB technician.

He told me he has some friends living in Kampung Buah Pala. To my surprise, he did not also support his own clans, and calling them naive and cow-headed!

As an outsider, he saw what we could see, that the kampung folks had been abducted, seduced and ultimately cowed into trusting the cheap politicians – Hindraf, MIC and Gerakan goons….!

When the Developer had offered up to an irresistible compensation scheme even the middle class people are dreaming for, a terrace house which easily worth more than 250K in Penang, they are claiming that it would be too small to accommodate their 3-generation family members, or their extended family members – and rejected the offer! To my astonishment, why didn't they also ask for a multi-level house for their cows and poultry?! It will be difficult for the outsiders and the public at large not to think of their unquenchable greed which is, ultimately, going to drag them into the deeper quagmire of loosing everything, in the eyes of law!

The racist politicians in the guise of their venerable leaders, together with the lackeys, the Resident Association's vice-secretary have been telling them that they are the gifted minority, and they deserve more for their land!

And their land? A Trust Deed allowed them to dwell in the land some many decades ago, which had also been long enough lapsed, could possibly give them the rights to the title?!

They have now realized, they are the hill billies, the uneducated hoi-pollois they are easily being manipulated and enticed to behave like the the cows of ignorant and bull-headed!

They are in utter predicament, most of them, of didn't exploit the opportunity to amicably sit down and negotiate with the Developer, also the State Government. They are in the state of panicking and lost direction. Only the so-called RA still remains the lackeys of the politicians and play solo! Of course, they have own a handful of tough nuts or hardcore members whom they are goofy heads, thinking that the land they stay belongs to their great grandfathers! They are totally law-blind and illiterate. Such a pity!

Come Sept 1st, it will be the last day where most probably all the cows will have to be delivered to the slaughter house for meat. No more cows' milk mixed with sap of Buah Pala (nutmeg) in future!

Read more at: Kampung Buah Pala – episode of sadness…….
