Despite Denial, UMNO Candidate Rohaizat Othman Has Second Wife, Confirmed by the Father of the Woman

By Malaysians Unplugged Uncensored

An audio clip surfaced on the internet regarding an interview with a person identified as the father of the second wife of the UMNO candidate for Permatang Pasir, Rohaizat. The interview indicated:

  • The second wife of UMNO candidate, Rohaizat is called Norfaezah binti Mohd. Ali, and commonly called by friends and relatives as "Hafizah".
  • Her father, Mohd. Ali bin Abdullah confirmed that Rohaizat was married her daughter, Hafizah. The father acted as the "jurunikah" for the occasion.

Go HERE to listen to the telephone interview (in BAHASA ) with Hafizah's father or HERE

The full story of the secret marriage between Rohaizat and Hafizah is reported HERE (read excerpts below)

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