Dr M to Malays: Don’t hang too much on Hang Tuah’s famous words

(Malaysian Mirror) – Dr Mahathir Mohamad said the Malays should give much thought to the predictive words of the legendary Hang Tuah that the race will never be wiped out from the face of the earth.

“His words should make us ponder if the Malays that will be left in the world of the future are the positive types. Or, are they going to be the types that are slaves, beggars or drug addicts?

mahathir-2.pngIf those are the kinds of Malays that will continue to exist, then we are in trouble,” he said at a press conference after launching an exhibition at the National Art Gallery here on Friday.

Malays should raise values and capabilities

The former prime minister said the Malays should strive to raise their values and capability to compete with other world communities instead of just hanging on to the words of the 15th century Malay warrior.

“Going by what by what Hang Tuah had purportedly said, if we continue to think our race will not be missing from the face of the earth, we shall not be striving for anything.“In the end, we will deteriorate and become the slaves of others.

Regarding reports on Malay issues in the Chinese press, he said the Malays do not understand the language and would not know of articles in the papers that debunk or demonise them.

On the other hand, he added, the Chinese understand Malay – even when they do not speak the language or speak little of it – and they would be quick to show their anger over any write-ups that are critical of their community.

Efforts to translate

“So, perhaps, there should be some efforts to translate articles in the vernacular papers into Malay; so that we understand each other,” he said.

On the political end, Dr Mahathir said the Malays were getting complacent and this has been further aggravated by allegations and counter accusations that had even seen certain people deciding who should be going to hell or heaven.

He said there were also complaints by some quarters that their efforts were being sabotaged. “But this is because they had allowed themselves to be sabotaged,” said Dr Mahathir.

Regarding PAS spiritual leader Nik Aziz Nik Mat, who had lately been seen as recalcitrant, Dr Mahathir said: “He has become friendly with Anwar Ibrahim. This is the problem.

He said as far as the PKR de facto leader is concerned everybody else is wrong; all judges are wrong and no good; pthe prosecutors ar wrong, the Inspector-General of Police is is not good…everyone is bad.

Only think they are right

“Anwar thinks he is the only one who is right.

“Likewise, Nik Aziz now thinks he is the one that is always correct; all other (Islamic) religious aiuthorities are wrong.

“Anyone who does not agree with his views are wrong.”

Dr Mahathir added: “If we accuse a Muslim of being kafir (an infidel), the accuser himself becomes the infidel."

He said the Malays in Malaysia are recognised worldwide as Muslims.

“We are the only race in the world that constitutionally stipulates that to be known as ‘Malay’ you have to first be a Muslim. 

“Well, perhaps, the other place in the world is the Maldives, where it its stated that you are recognized as a Maldivian only if you are first a Muslim.
