The Dumbing-Down of Bolehsia

By CruzinThots

Whatever Mahathir's lazy and myopic Vision 2020 may say, it is my belief that a "first-world " nation is built on the foundation of viable philosophical ideas nurtured by their intellectuals and politicians – and not the physical attributes as in KLCC, Putrajaya, Cyberjaya etc.

Rather than investing in intellectual growth, the myopic authorities we have would rather spend our limited resources at their disposal, to create physical monstrosities in their pursuit of material wealth. As a result, we have the common man gawking at the physical progress, with little spiritual/intellectual growth that makes such physical growth sustainable.

New ideas are more often than not, demonized and dismissed even before it is discussed in a civilized manner. Mob mentality is subtly encouraged by the authorities, to prevent discussions or forums that highlight progressive ideas or the failures of the Umno warlords in ruling the country. A free Media and Democracy which is the saving grace of the nation, are subverted by fascists who reason that religious bigotry, racial dominance and racism has to remain the paramount priority.

The ruling elite, through the Information and Education ministries however believe otherwise – and as such, indulge in the systematic emasculation of the electorate which surrenders itself to them (read Umno). Unknown to many Malaysians, the real target of this dumbing-down, is non other than the Malay people themselves – so that they are easily hoodwinked into submission to the "glorious Umno leadership".

This group of Malay elite have managed to successfully indoctrinate a clueless people that they, and only they can be and will be the sole guardians of the Malay people – and as such, are indispensable. The basic simplistic "philosophy" that they propagate is this – "Malay dominance under the Umno elite – at any cost". It doesn't matter if they are corrupt and plunder the country's resources. Never mind if, a generation of unthinking graduates are created. Never mind if we have a nation of pseudo-intellectual "basket-weavers" and rempits.

Never mind the numerous bogus degree/ PhD holders. Never mind the refusal of PR status for the numerous professionals (and/or spouses). What matters is that we have Umno to represent a people satisfied with their own mediocre standards of "Cemerlang, Gemilang and Terbilang".

Today, you have the moronic Muhyiddin and Khairy defending a disbarred Rohaizat (who also denies having an unregistered second spouse), as a worthy candidate, while saying that it matters not if he has a credible past, and all that matters is that he can "bring development" under the BN banner.

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