Governance and Leadership

By Mohd Prasad Hanif, Secretary, PAS Kawasan Klang

The recent events that have unfolded in our country do not bear much hope for the future if the current state of affairs continues. The events ranging from Kugan’s death under police custody to Teoh’s death under MACC custody is a wonder, unbelievable to say the least. I am unable to comprehend the logic and common sense of Barisan Nasional Leaders. Many questions arise in the manner with which they govern the nation. Let us look at what Islam says on Governance.

Imam Ghazali eloquently says the following regarding governance of a nation:

“Remember, if Allah makes the end shine for you in the light of His grace, you will abandon yourself utterly to Allah and devote your entire energy to His Service by adhering to the principles of justice and equity”.

This is what we fight for and this is our purpose. Each muslim is duty bound to devote himself to the establishment of justice and equity. Without these tenets, there is no meaning to governance. A government that is adheres to the principles of Islam cannot deviate from the principle of justice and equity. This includes the fair distribution of wealth, the uplifting and care of the poor and disabled as well as the well being and prosperity of the general population. The authority bestowed upon Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat is to administer justice and equity in all forms and design.

Why is this very important? Imam Ghazali adds:

“A state cannot make progress, would indeed be subject to disintegration, unless internally administered among all persons. Islam provides a system by which injustice might be detailed and judged, whether perpetrated by rich or poor, high or low.”

The establishment of justice and equity is part and parcel of the Islamic system. It cannot be separated nor put aside for the convenience of the selected few. The justice system must be fair to ensure the longevity and prosperity of the state. A person, bestowed by Allah the position and authority to govern, cannot claim to be muslims until justice and equity is served, until every living being is accorded his due. Barisan Nasional as well as Pakatan Rakyat leaders have an immense responsibility on their shoulders to realize justice and equity.

Moreover, the question arise on what basis does Islam consider just governance. Imam Ghazali postulates the following:

“When you are required to administer justice on behalf of the Sultan, think as if being an ordinary citizen, you have been oppressed by someone and you want the Sultan to redress your grievances. Consider yourself no more than any other citizen.”

The purpose of governance is not only to be accountable, but also to empathize and to understand the worldview of the oppressed. Each person, especially the person who has been granted a position of power and accountability, should continuously assess their situation and the manner with which they judge.

When Barisan Nasional failed to empathize and consider the plight of Kugan’s family and the son that Teoh will never see, they can never proclaim to have upheld Islamic law. They seem to forget that those who act unjustly, act impiously. More importantly, Imam Ghazali also states that every leader must possess “objective thinking, acts conducive to social welfare and truthfulness”.

Along these lines, we put ourselves in the shoes of the wives and children who are abused by drunken husbands and fathers, the parents of the child who was killed by a drunk driver, and the parents of a teenager who comes home drunk. I admit, they are a small minority compared to the majority. But should they continue to suffer, so that the majority can have their happy hour extended? I believe alcohol should be heavily controlled, not banned.

Imam Ghazali advises leaders to think steadily every moment as a true believer, to do what is in the hand with perfect and simple dignity and feeling of affection, justice and a mind that is free from all other thoughts. Furthermore, the Imam also adds that,

“A man’s true greatness lies in the consciousness of an honest purpose in life, founded on a just estimate of himself and everything else, on frequent self examination, and a steady obedience to the will of Allah.”

It seems like impossible criteria to follow, but this is the standard set by the Sufis. The position of authority is not a small matter in the eyes of Islam. It can send the muslim to heaven, or it can send him to hell – using the fast lane. It is also a humble way of saying, “meet the standards or buzz off”.

It is interesting, at this point, for us to note, that Barisan Nasional has not exhibited any of the above traits in the last 30 years. Yet, they claim to be the defenders of Islam. I laugh at their level of intelligence. But this also serves as a reminder to Pakatan Rakyat leaders. The justice and equity demanded by Islam is absolute and binding to every leader. The criteria of governing are straightforward and high. As leaders, they have an immense responsibility towards me, you and every living thing in Malaysia – including pigs.

We will need to hold them to the highest standards. We should remind them that “the humble and god fearing men of our community have nothing to do with pomp and power.”
