Merdeka? What Merdeka?

The People's Parliament

This is what Malaysiakini reported, on 31st August, 2007 of the Merdeka celebrations that year.

“Malaysia went into party mode today to celebrate its 50 years as a nation, staging an extravagant display of pomp and ceremony and appealing for racial unity.

Fighter jets performed aerial acrobatics overhead and helicopters billowed out the colours of the flag as 24,000 people, ranging from school children to war veterans, began to parade past Dataran Merdeka. Police said about 60,000 people came out to watch, waving flags and jamming the historic railway station near the square as they jostled for view.

Performers dressed in the national colours of blue, yellow, white and red led the crowds singing as the parade snaked past local and foreign dignitaries gathered on Dataran Merdeka, including Britain’s Prince Andrew”.

Six days later, Malaysiakini reported on the staggering amount this ’syok sendiri’ party cost the rakyat.

“The government has spent over RM100 million to commemorate the golden jubilee of Malaysia’s independence, according to the Finance Ministry.

In Kuala Lumpur alone, RM51 million was spent on the occasion, while RM8 million was spent on the ‘Jalur Gemilang’, a campaign to promote the flying of the national flag.

Deputy Finance Minister Dr Awang Adek told Parliament on Tuesday said the costs were justified to create a sense of national unity.

RM100 million to create a sense of national unity?

Who speaks of ketuanan Melayu?

Who played the race card again and again at Permatang Pasir this last one week?

Who went overboard in trying to turn Beng Hock’s death into a ‘Malay versus the rest’ issue?

Who tried to silence the anti-ISA rally of 1st August by labelling the same a challenge of Malay rights and Islam?

UMNO, and by their silent reticence, every component party of the BN-led government!

