Religious Fundamentalists Love Women

By G. Krishnan

Of all the things one could say and express their displeasure about, these UMNO people come out to criticise not the fanatics but Kartika!

So you should have heard of Soraya M’s tragedy in Iran. Now we have our own internationally renowned version of the demonization of women in the case of Kartika. It is quite widely evident that, throughout history, wherever any form of religious fundamentalism begins to catch hold, women tend to become one of the first targets of such fanaticism.

You ever wonder what it is about fundamentalists that make them want to demolish schools for girls, stone women to death, keep them from voting, driving, or some such thing that the other half of the human race is seemingly permitted to do?

After years of pandering to these fundamentalists and exploiting religious doctrine, our politicians have all but turned over control of so much of our civil liberties to religious zealots that we’ve now written our own chapter on fundamentalism as we’ve arrived on the world stage in style: becoming notoriously renowned for allowing religious fundamentalists to infringe on our rights in ways we’d never imagined conceivable in so-called multiethnic Malaysia.

It was shocking indeed to see the PM actually suggesting that Kartika ought to appeal her sentence. What!? And since when do we see our PMs advising co-called convicted people on what to do? Indeed, we even had at least one minister in his cabinet actually express disbelieve that Kartika did not appeal the sentence against her.

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