He’s committed an offence, so what?

(Malaysian Mirror) – “An offence is still an offence and it is difficult to defend a person who has been found guilty!” This was the reaction of Umno vice-president to the sacking of Dr Chua Soi Lek from the MCA on Wednesday.

He hoped, however, that Dr Chua’s expulsion would not tear apart the party and called on members to close ranks to avert a major split.

hishammuddin hussein 2.jpg“We (Umno) do not want to interfere in the internal affairs of the MCA as decisions were made in accordance with the party regulations.

“However, we pray and hope that whatever decision made would not break up the party,’’ Hishammuddin, who is Home Minister, told reporters on Thursday at his ministry’s National Day celebrations in Putrajaya.

Empathise with Dr Chua

He added that although empathised with Dr Chua, “an offence is still an offence’’ and it is difficult to defend a person who had been found guilty.

Dr Chua, who was the MCA deputy president, was sacked from the party for  damaging the image of the party, brought about by his sex scandal in 2007.

Party president Ong Tee Keat told a press conference after chairing a presidential council meeting that  according to Article 128 of the MCA's constitution, the decision of the central committee on matters of discipline was final and conclusive and shall not be subject to question by or in any court of law.

"We did so with a heavy heart after giving much consideration to the damage inflicted upon the party's image brought about by his sex scandal featured in a DVD,” he said, adding that the decision was made in the best interest of the party.

Taking a break as party-less man

Soon after his expulsion, Dr Chua said he would take the MCA disciplinary board’s decision in his stride and would now go on a holiday with friends and family.

“This is the first time I am not a member of a political party since entering active politics 22 years ago,” he said.

“I need to enjoy this party-less status. So friends, give me a chance to rest,” he said in his blog (drchua9.blogspot.com) on Thursday.chua soi lek 3.jpg

Dr Chua said he had served as division chairman since 1985 and on Jan 2, last year, he resigned from all party posts.

“Today, I don’t have a party,” he said, adding that the press had not stopped harassing and hounding him. “It is actually quite funny and fun.”

Dr Chua said he would take the MCA disciplinary board’s decision to sack him in his stride and would now go on a short holiday with friends and family.

PM will not interfere

Meanwhile, Umno president Najib Abdul Razak said he will not interfere in the MCA’s decision to sack its deputy president.

The Prime Minister and Barisan Nasional chairman said the MCA president has the right to make any party decision.

“As chairman of the Barisan, I can’t interfere in the workings of a component party. It is up to them to decide the appropriate course of action,” he told reporters Thursday after visiting the permanent secretariat of the World Islamic Economic Forum Foundation here.

Najib added that he would only get involved if he was invited to be an intermediary, saying that any decision by the MCA should take into consideration the interest of the Barisan.

najib-5.jpgNajib said he had earlier been briefed by Ong and two MCA vice-presidents of the decision and its rationale.

“My concern, as Barisan chairman, is that any action taken by the component party must not affect the overall interest of the Barisan. That was the only point I put across to the MCA president.

Najib wants a strong MCA

“It is within his purview to decide whatever decision to take but, please, take into account the impact on Barisan,” he said, adding that he would keep tabs on developments in the party.

On Dr Chua’s post as Barisan chief coordinator, Najib said it would be determined later.

On whether a split in MCA would have a negative impact on Barisan, he said: “The faster MCA resolves it, the better for Barisan.”

Najib said the Barisan wanted a strong MCA that could represent the aspirations of the Chinese community.
