Can’t hold a candle to cop’s excuse

(The Malaysian Insider) AUG 29 – One can’t hold a candle to the Shah Alam police excuse for inaction in fear of sparking further anger at the cow-head protest yesterday.

It begs the question if the dozens of riot police in full gear were cowed by the actions of 50 protesters armed with banners and a cow’s head.

And smacks of double standards.

Dozens of people have been hauled away for less provocative stunts, like wearing black or holding lit candles at night.

The only thing these cow-head protesters had in common with the others was to assemble without a permit.

Of course, a democracy can tolerate if not encourage public assemblies and protests but not anything that is provocative or insults another person’s faith.

Isn’t there mutual respect anymore? And is it not the duty of the police to keep the peace by preventing stunts that can inflame racial passions?

Opposition politicians have long condemned the Royal Malaysian Police for not arresting the rising crime rate but instead focusing on political activity against the ruling Barisan Nasional government.

It’s now plain to see that they may be right after all.

Read more at: Can’t hold a candle to cop’s excuse – The Malaysian Insider
