Shah Alam temple demo: The Malays who don’t understand the essence of Islam

1. Upon reaching home today at 530 pm, I open up my computer as usual and browsed my favorite online newspaper. I was shocked to see that all of them carried the story of a group of Malay-Muslim protesters claiming to be residents of Section 23 of Shah Alam carrying the severed head of a cow to the Selangor State Secretariat building.

2. The people who claims to be Muslims has shown how ignorant they are about Islam and how their action has brought shame to the religion of Islam and to other Muslims. They did not defend Islam but had portrayed Muslims as fools. I am so angry with Mahyuddin Manaf and the residents there for their action.

3. I questioned their motives and agenda. I questioned their action of carrying a severed head of a cow which is a sacred animal to the Hindus. If their action is not considered seditious and a threat to the nation, I don’t know what else is needed to qualify. The government must ensure that all might of the law must be taken against this group of 50 people especially their leaders. PR and BN must agree on this matter.

4. I grew up all over Malaysia and in the 70’s after the sudden demise of my father; the whole family went back to a small town, north of Ipoh, called Chemor. As far back as I could remember, directly behind the Chemor mosque there is a Chinese temple and within a walking distance from there lies an Indian temple. As far as I know, all communities lives harmoniously and tolerate each other “ding, bang, tong and screams” There had not been any problems.

5. I cannot comprehend the argument that was raised by the Residents Association Deputy Chairman that claims with a temple on their residential area where they have 90% Muslim; they cannot function properly as Muslims. They claims that with the temple will disrupt their daily activities like prayers in the Surau. This is the most ridiculous argument that I have ever heard.

6. I would like to suggest that the Section 23 residents take a study trip to Kota Bharu. Just drive outskirt of Kota Bharu and you will find plenty of Buddhist temples. Some of the biggest Buddha statues are located outskirt of Kota Bharu. We are talking about a state of 99% Muslims. Do you hear problems among the Kelantanese? These are people who have very strong opinion about Islam and yet they behave in a level minded manner.

7. I believe people who has been to Hong Kong knows what I meant. In an area called Tsim Sha Tsui, there is a big mosque located a walking distance from the MRT station. The mosque called for Azan five times a day. The Muslims are minority but yet they can continue to practice their religion in the middle of millions of non Muslims within a commercial district. There hasn’t been problems.

8. About three months ago the new mosque of Bukit Antarabangsa was opened. The mosque is located 50 meters from my house. For the record, I live in a Taman where the majority of the residents are non Muslims. My Taman is unique in the sense that it is sandwiched between two long hills. In the first few weeks the mosque loud speakers volume and direction was not adjusted, hence the Azan which was supposed to sound nice and melodious sounds more like a very unpleasant noise. It is like sitting in a car and blasting the sentimental music at full blown.

