Application by Altantuya’s father set for Sept 14

Written by Yong Min Wei, The Edge 

The hearing for the application by Dr Shariibuu Setev to review the attorney general’s decision not to appeal against political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda’s acquittal for abetting in the murder of his daughter Altantuya Shaariibuu has been fixed on Sept 14, 2009 at the civil High Court.

The date was fixed by senior assistant registrar Mankiranjit Kaur in chambers as the case was up for mention today.
Senior federal counsel Datuk Kamaludin Md Said had objected to the plaintiff’s counsel's request for a later mention date for the case, adding that the defence felt it was not necessary for time to be given to the plaintiff to reply and preferred a hearing date to be fixed immediately.
“I thought they wanted to withdraw the case against the attorney-general and public prosecutor. They don’t even come today and have asked another counsel to mention on their behalf,” Kamaludin told reporters at the court building today.
Shariibuu is represented by Messrs Karpal Singh & Co while Kamaludin is appearing for the attorney general and public prosecutor.

The High Court had on Oct 31 last year acquitted Razak of abetting chief inspector Azilah Hadri and corporal Sirul Azhar Umar in Altantuya’s murder but found the two policemen guilty and sentenced them to death for the murder.
