Perak assembly ‘sitting’: Ngeh, Keshvinder Singh arrested

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10:30am: Former speaker V. Sivakumar says they will go ahead and hold state assembly meeting at the Heritage Hotel at 11.30am. He says that he has to invoke the doctrine of necessity because they were barred from entering the building.

10:20am: Besides Ngeh, Keshvinder and photographer Tan, Simpang Pulai assemblyman Chan Ming Kai and two supporters are also arrested. Representatives proceed back to DAP headquarters where a press conference is held. Mohd Nizar continues to reiterate that police court order only applies to supporters and representatives cannot be stopped from entering state assembly hall. He adds that they did not call for a gathering but for a state assembly meeting to be held.

10:13am: Malim Nawar assemblyman Keshvinder Singh is arrested. Mohd Nizar tells state representatives to disperse.

10:07am: Ngeh is arrested by police.

10:00am: Police and Pakatan representatives face off 100m outside state secretariat building. Shouting and shoving ensues. A Nanyang Siang Pau photographer Stanley Tan is arrested.

Argument persists. Former mentri besar Datuk Seri Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin and Perak DAP chief Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham have a shouting match with police. Ngeh argues that police court order only for supporters as Section 24 of the Penal Code states that no representative can be stopped from entering state assembly hall. Ngeh also says that the order obtained under section 98 of the Criminal Procedure Code has to first be gazetted under Section 90. Police admit that the order has not been gazetted but continue to push them back.

09:45am: Pakatan representatives start marching towards the state secretariat building from the Perak DAP headqurters.

8.00am: Pakatan Rakyat's lawyer Chan Kok Keong is at the magistrate's court to secure the order.

IPOH: Pakatan Rakyat is all set to go ahead with the state assembly sitting Wednesday.

It has applied for a court order to set aside the magistrate's court order on Tuesday which granted the police to stop any gathering within 30m radius of the Perak state secretariat building fence perimeter, including Jln Istana stretching to Poi Lam school, from 1am Wednesday to 11am Thursday.

Scores of policemen and Federal Reserve Unit personnel are stationed at strategic locations leading to the building.

Police have put up a yellow tape around the radius to bar people from the building.

Only government servants working in the building are allowed in.

Pakatan representatives are starting to arrive and will gather in the Perak DAP headquarters opposite the state secretariat by 9am before going into the building.
