Perak State Assembly

By Lim Kit Siang

Live updates @limkitsiang

10:58 AM
Police used excessive force. Keshvinder was pushed 2 the ground. His head swollen n having fainting spells. Ambulance taking him to hospital.

10:36 AM
7 people arrested – three Assemblymen,one photographer and three members of the public

10:28 AM
Perak Speaker Sivakumar annced that Perak State Assembly will convene at Heritage Hotel at 11.30 am

10:23 AM
Also arrested DAP Malim Nawar Assemblyman Keshvinder Singh PKR Simpang Pulai Assemblyman Chan Ming Kai n Nanyang Siang Pau photographer

10:20 AM
DAP Perak State Chairman Assemblyman Sitiawan Ngeh Koo Ham arrested by police at Democracy Tree for trying to get to Perak State Assembly

08:12 AM
All this 2forestall holding of Perak Assembly by Speaker Sivakumar within 6 months of Democracy Tree State Assembly March 3 as reqd by law

08:09 AM
After 9 pm last nite, SUK area plastered w court order prohibiting any gathering within 30m radius from SUK perimeter from 1am to 11 am tmr

08:00 AM
After arrival 2nd water cannon,barbed wires unrolled at sidewalk from mamak restaurant. Metal barricades blocked the T junction from D-Tree.

07:58 AM
FRUs arrived in 5 trucks 2 jeeps n big water cannon several unmarked carks (SBs?)

07:55 AM
Police presence building up since 615 am all access roads Perak State Assembly cordoned off. 6 police trucks 1 van parked near DAP office
