Hishammuddin, Can You Stomach The Repercussions?

By Simon Templar

Hishammuddin Hussein, you have set a precedent. A very dangerous precedent. This is what happens when you choose to effect the law based on your whims. You are simply making life impossible for yourself, you idiot. Your myopic action today will only throw the country into further lawlessness. A law is only good when it is consistently applied. But what do you know about the law? What do UMNO and BN know about the law?

Hishammuddin Hussein, are you very sure of what you are doing? Do you have what it takes to live with the repercussions of the words you uttered today? You have better realise that you have set a very dangerous precedent today.

Here are extracts (from Malaysian Insider) of what Sham had to say.

On the use of a cow’s head during last Friday’s demonstration:  

They, the organizers, … didn’t even know that somebody was going to bring the head of the cow during that demonstration.

On why police allowed the 50 demonstrators to proceed without interruption:  

Hishammuddin told reporters that the police allowed the demonstrators to proceed because the numbers of protestors were small.

Put is simply, this is what Sham has to say:

1. Pleading ignorance will get you out of trouble with the government and police. And the ISA is dead.

2. Any gatherings with head counts numbering 50 and below will be allowed from now onwards. No permit or permission required to be applied from the authorities. Again, the ISA is dead.

I did not come up with the above. Hishammuddin Hussein did.

Read more at: http://saltpepperandalittlekicap.blogspot.com/2009/09/hishammuddin-can-you-stomach.html
