Hishammuddin, you are an irresponsible Home Minister

By Dr. Rafick

1.      From morning, I wanted to update my blog with an article which is half prepared under the title “Selangor under siege”  but somehow could not finished the write up due to mental block and lack of mood. At home about  0500 pm today when I saw an article on Malaysiakini titled Hisham defends cow-head protestors  which makes me wants to puke.

2.      In my previous write up I had labelled the demonstrators as “Orang Ulu” but due to the poor knowledge on the part on some readers,  they were upset with me as they had assumed that I had belittled the Sarawakian Orang Ulu. In this article, I have decided to relabel the Section 23 residents who was directly involved with the demonstrations as orang take bertamadun(OTB) and hope there will be no one trying to decipher whom OTB actually represents. Should I define it? I guess not necessary as everyone knows by now.

3.      When the Home Minister defended the OTB for their actions, it only shows the ugly side of politics. Hishamuddin has sent a very strong signal that right and wrong is not important. UMNO political agenda is so supreme that it overrides the need to do the right thing. He has indirectly supported the group.

4.      Few things attracted my attention when I read the article in Malaysiakini. Among others the Home Minister defended OTB on their actions as if they have no outlet to address their issue. The minister even said that the police did not act because the group was small. I have read on many occasions when the PR supporters and leaders held candlelight vigil in smaller number and was arrested. Why the double standard? This group of 50 had no permit and had acted in the most despicable manner and the police did not act at all. They were merely spectators or they were giving protection to the groups of OTB?

5.      The second thing is that Hishamuddin claims the organizers do not know who brought the cow head and claims that a third party had sabotaged their program. This is the most childish excuse that I have ever heard. There are ample pictures on the internet in the form of static images and videos that showed the resident leaders carried the cow head.

6.      They even stomped their feet on the cow head individually as well as a group and shouted, “ Xavier, this cow head is for you!” There is so much evidence to show that it was a pre planned event. There were enough witnesses to help the police if they wanted help. I feel the Minister has proven that his intelligence is very questionable which is probably not  better than OTB. There is a saying that “Great people things alike”. In this case “ The dumb people also think alike”

7.      He also commented that there were histories that pig head was wrapped in UMNO flag and given to the Malays. In my view that is also wrong and those people should have been punished. Is he indicating that since there was no action taken on those who had wrapped pigs head with UMNO flag, then similar treatment must be given to the OTB. In the first place why there were no action taken against them? Why comparing the two event? I do not recall of hearing such an event took place if it ever did.

Read more at: http://rights2write.wordpress.com/2009/09/02/hishammuddin-you-are-an-irresponsible-home-minister/

