Malaysian Insider, don’t rain on our parade! You are so full of malice intended!

A news portal, Malaysian Insider, which has been negatively slanting a report on how Home Minister Hishamuddin Hussin has been supporting the "cow-head" protester is "powered" or owned by none other than a PR company, Fox Communications, entrusted, yes entrusted, to service the image of the Royal Malaysian Police Force (PDRM)

Rockybru wrote: "The irony? The Malaysian Insider, the said portal that's drubbing Hisham cow-cow (actually it's kow-kow, which makes the drubbing not a mere drubbing but "a really good drubbing"), is powered by an ex-Singapore journo who is a major partner in Fox Communications, which is a Malaysian PR agency run by two PRs (of Singapore and Australia, if I'm not misled) that has a RM1,000-a-day contract to service the Polis Di Raja Malaysia. The PDRM, or the Royal Malaysian Police, comes under the Home Ministry."

