MCA reflects the plight of BN

By LIM SUE GOAN/Translated by SOONG PHUI JEE/Sin Chew Daily

MCA's infighting is a reflection for BN's plight and crisis. Its president cum Transport Minister wanted to investigate the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal but he was eventually “ambushed from all directions”. And the issue may be listed as an agenda or a main point of Ong's Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM).What is the relationship between the PKFZ scandal and the party's EGM? Why does it need the backing of the central delegates?

It shows the anxiety of MCA leaders, as well as the powerlessness of BN in its effort to cope with corruption. MCA's power struggle is also the problem faced by other BN member parties. For example, the Supreme Council of People's Progressive Party (PPP) has sacked its Supreme Council member cum Deputy Minister in Prime Minister’s Department Datuk T. Murugiah in May; Terengganu UMNO is facing a factional problem and a rumour said that nine of its state assemblymen are going to join Pakatan Rakyat. Meanwhile, MIC President Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu's act of appointing his deputy may lead to the discontentment of the grass-roots.

"In fact, Pakatan Rakyat is not good in governance and execution."

BN suffered a great setback in the 8 March general elections and after the withdrawal of Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) and the defeats in the seven by-elections, BN's morale is low. Some state BN have fallen into hibernation and become inactive. BN must immediately hold a general meeting to boost morale, get a clear picture of its future direction and devise a reform strategy. But since last year's general elections, BN leaders can still unable to set the date and agenda for the meeting.

Therefore, its member parties launched their own attacks. MCA President chose PKFZ to try to gain public support while some UMNO leaders continued to play with racial issues in order to attract more Malay support. Also, they pressured Pakatan Rakyat, trying to collapse its regime. They made Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) leaders to register with two party names in order to disperse Indian votes.

However, BN's pace is lack of coordination. It has exposed many weaknesses and mistakes. Eventually, it affected the credibility of the government institution. BN's political discourse is too weak to change the political reality.

In fact, Pakatan Rakyat is not good in governance and execution. But BN is facing too many internal problems that have shaken the people's confidence. Thus, BN's priority is to straighten out its internal part and change its rough operation system. They should not let the people think that BN has always been fighting for power without caring about the people's hardships and sufferings.

BN will further lose Chinese Votes because of MCA's struggle. But it not only a problem for MCA as BN does not leave a space for MCA to give full play to its ability. On the other hand, BN's administration has as well lead to the loss of votes. MIC has remained unchanged over all these years. How is it going to have appeal?

Perak Pakatan Rakyat is still playing with the card of sadness with the intention to always remind the people about the way BN seized the state's power. The public knows that Paktan Rakyat is deliberately evoking emotions but many still compassionate it. It is a crisis for BN. And when Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng ridiculed MCA, not many Chinese associations came out to defend MCA. It is a sorrow for MCA. 
