Precedent Should NOT Be Set to Appease these Scumbag Muslims Threatening the Security of the Nation

By Malaysians Unplugged Uncensored

On the issue of the relocation of the Hindu temple, the question Malaysians must seriously ask is this: Should we appease the 50-odd Malay Muslims whose extremely inflammatory action of parading with a severed cow head was meant to insult the Hindu faith as a protest against the relocation of a 15-year old Hindu temple?

These 50-odd Malay Muslims had said they would shed blood if the temple is relocated to Section 23.There is pressure from UMNO to the Selangor State Govt to appease these 50-odd Malay Muslims by not relocating the Hindu temple at Section 23. In fact, there is move by the Selangor Govt to find another location for this 150-year Hindu temple which had been in Section19 long BEFORE the establishment of a housing estate in Shah Alam.

If the original plan to relocate the Hindu temple at Section 23 does not proceed, a very dangerous PRECEDENT will be set by the Govt (State and Federal). It will send a clear message to other extremists and religious bigots in the country that they can threaten the peace and security of the nation and get away with it.

We say, the Government must stand firm on this issue and the Selangor State Govt should NOT buckle in the face of these 50-odd Malay Muslim extremists .

These Malay Muslim extremists have shown total disregard for the safety and security of the state and, to boot, thump their noses at a duly elected government.

It is in the interest of the Federal Government and UMNO to stand firm with the Selangor State Govt, and not to let partisan politics get in the way by allowing these Malay Muslim extremists to have an upper hand in the running of the country or state.

UMNO must also come to terms with the fact that its policy in the last 30 years, especially under the Mahathir regime of buckling down to Malay racial extremism and politicising Islam, have led to the present state of affairs.

Malay extremists in the country had been using the name of Islam to undermine the rule of law in the country. And UMNO allowed itself, wittingly or unwittingly, to play their racially and religiously divisive game to maintain political power.

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