UMNO or Three Stooges? Who will u Vote?
By steadyaku47
Over the weekend I have been doing a bit of thinking after watching Malaysiakini video “Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein's Press Conference 2nd Sept 2009” on youtube re the cow-head incident in Section 23.
According to Din (let me just call Hishammuddin that – his name is to long to have to type out every time I need to refer to him – and anyway he is younger then me!). According to Din, the organiser of that cow-head demo was sitting to his right and to his left. Now if that is not tacit support to what they have done – I do not know what is. You can even see one of the organisers sitting on Din’s left nodding in agreement to what Din was saying.
In a not too veiled a threat to Pakatan Rakyat, Din said that if he wanted to he could take advantage of the situation to create “huru hara” in Selangor. For those unfamiliar with that term – think Charles Manson and think “helter skelter”…and think UMNO..put them altogether and you have an idea what ‘huru hara’ means!
He also made a direct reference to me…well okaylah if you want to be technical – to all those using cyberspace and internet to comment on the situation. He said that the three stooges – he, Rais and Nazri have requested (can also mean instructed or ordered but here again let us not get too technical!) the IGP, AG and the Suruhan Jaya Multi Media “untuk membantu supaya bila kita ambil tindakan nanti ada bukti dan satu case yang kukuh supaya bila di bawa ka mahkamah dia (we blogers) takkan lepas dari gegamman kita”. Guys you better stay clear of those tentacles – once caught “Tiada maaf bagi mu”.
Right now all the arsenal available at UMNO’s disposal are focused on eliminating the opposition – in this case Pakatan Rakyat. UMNO are using the most canggih – most sophisticated and state of the art GPS system available to make sure that they hit the target…but still having problem. Aisehman if the USA cannot find Osama after all this time what hope does UMNO have in targeting Pakatan Rakyat? But I think there is one thing UMNO and Barisan need to understand
At the next General Elections it is not Pakatan Rakayat that is going to vote.
It is the Rakyat.
So if you think you are going to get to lengthen your stay in government by putting all the Pakatan Rakyat leaders in Jail – under ISA – then you have to think again. Read my lips.
It is the rakyat that is going to vote.
Read more at: UMNO or Three Stooges? Who will u Vote?