Lim: Pakatan is fraying

(The Star) KUALA LUMPUR: The people’s confidence in Pakatan Rakyat has been shaken due to internal conflicts, admits Lim Kit Siang.

This is obvious among bloggers and former supporters of the party, mainly non-governmental organisations, he said.

“We are also disappointed that we could not solve problems properly and effectively,” said the DAP adviser.

“Over the past five months, people have been asking if they could trust Pakatan to achieve its reforms goal,” he said in an exclusive interview with Sin Chew Daily.

Lim said this was a critical time for Pakatan, adding that differences and competition among Pakatan component parties, which govern four states, were undermining the party’s agenda.

He said each had its own stand, and to make matters worse, problems kept arising even as they continued to work together.

Lim said the Islamic state issue was the biggest point of contention, especially between DAP and PAS.

“It is impossible for PAS to give up its plans to achieve an Islamic state,” he said. “But, DAP will not agree to it.”

Lim assured that Malaysia, a multi-racial and multi-religious nation, would not be turned into an Islamic state as long as DAP remained in Pakatan.

However, he could not predict if Pakatan would remain united forever.

Lim said the Pakatan-led Selangor government should be prepared to face the challenges brought about by Barisan Nasional.

He said it should have a strategy to counter Barisan’s attempts to snatch power from it.

“Some people say that I am over-sensitive,” said Lim.

“But, looking at the series of incidents that have taken place recently, especially the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s move against the Selangor executive councillors, can this be taken lightly? Or is it a conspiracy? Obviously, the target is Pakatan.”

Lim said there was a common understanding among the three parties that PKR leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim would be the Prime Minister should Pakatan rule the country.

However, he said they had yet to discuss who would become the Deputy Prime Minister.

Lim said he had no plans to retire.

“I believe DAP will continue to play an important role in the Malaysia political arena, even without Lim Kit Siang,” he added.
