PAS, Gerakan also call for Royal Commission of Inquiry into PKFZ

Written by By Sharon Tan, The Edge 

Two political parties, PAS and Gerakan, have echoed DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang in calling for the formation of a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal as the existing investigation may not be able to be carried out transparently.

PAS vice-president Datuk Mahfuz Omar said the issue was too complicated to be handled by the police and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

“We don’t have the assurance that there would be transparency,” he said, questioning whether all those involved in the scandal would be brought to book even with the Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan’s announcement of the freezing of Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd’s (KDSB) accounts.

“I can’t see the existing investigative bodies conducting a transparent investigation that will bring out all those involved,” he said.

Mahfuz said a Royal Commission would be the best to conduct the inquiry into the scandal as it involved politicians such as former transport ministers Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik and Tan Sri Chan Kong Choy, former Umno treasurer Datuk Azim Zabidi, former Selangor exco member Datuk Abdul Rahman Palil and also Umno Selangor treasurer Datuk Faisal Abdullah, who is also PKFZ turnkey contractor Kuala Dimensi’s deputy chief executive officer.

“They all represent MCA’s and Umno’s interest. That is why I said that the police and MACC cannot be transparent because the government has power over these two (institutions).

“I am concerned that those who will be found guilty are PKFZ’s executives and will not involve any politicians,” he said.

Mahfuz also said the Royal Commission ought to be formed through a special parliament session that would decide on the panel to sit on the commission.

He said in this instance, the prime minister needed only take parliament’s recommendation to the King for approval.

Meanwhile, Gerakan deputy president Datuk Chang Ko Youn called on the government to speed up its investigation into the PKFZ issue and to take legal action against any offenders who have contributed to the colossal losses of the project.

 “This is the focal point of the nation’s attention and everyone is watching the government and its action on this issue and if a Royal Commission is needed to unearth the truth, then one should be formed without any undue delay,” he said.

PAS’ and Chang’s statements echoed that of Lim, Ipoh Timur member of parliament, who on Sunday, called for the settting up of a Royal Commission of Inquiry to conduct a no-holds-barred investigation into the PKFZ fiasco.

Lim said there must a comprehensive probe into the Port Klang Authority (PKA) and KDSB, right up to the cabinet level.

Meanwhile, Chang, who is also chairman of the Gerakan Central Bureau on the Law and Human Rights, said this was a golden opportunity for the government to demonstrate its commitment to combat corruption and to promote transparency and accountability.

He said the culprits must be caught and punished and it would go a long way in winning the confidence of the people and to ensure similar mistakes were not repeated.
