Does Terengganu still need Ahmad Said?

It's smoking in Selangor but the real fire is in Terengganu. Whilst Najib has openly declared that he wanted BN to replace PR in running Selangor, things are getting hot in Terengganu.

The recently concluded state assembly sitting does not help either when Terengganu's gang of nine sat silently through the 2-day assembly prompting Muhyiddein to fly out to Terengganu to diffuse talks of possible mass defection from the group. However, Muhyiddein's presence does not solve the long brewing animosity against Ahmad Said. Muhyiddein's offer to mediate between the two groups seems to fall on deaf ears. Is it too late for BN now?

10 days on, reports leaked out that Ahmad Said decline Najib's offer to make him a senator and a minister. It has been widely rumoured that Najib will re-shuffle his cabinet after the coming Raya and Ahmad Said's name has been mentioned as one of the options available to resolve the Terengganu crisis. What Najib failed to comprehend is that Ahmad Said just could not blindly accept Najib's offer as Ahmad Said's appointment to the post of MB Terengganu was strongly backed by the palace. Ahmad Said just could not walked away like that.

For record purposes, Ahmad Said's ascendence to the post of MB Terengganu is purely coincidental. After GE 12, the writings are already on the wall for Idris Jusoh to step down as he had step on HRH Sultan's foot one time too many. Apart from that, Idris has became increasingly big-headed and thought that he ruled Terengganu, by-passing the palace in many occassions in his quest to please AAB. Ahmad Said is in because he did not openly backed Idris Jusoh like the group of 9 who went to the extent of defying the palace instructions. And taht is why members of the group of 9 can forget of any hopes to become the nextr MB of Terengganu.

For now, even if Ahmad Said choose to accept Najib's offer, there is no guarantee that the palace can accept his replacement easily if the replacement comes from the group of 9. Another catch 22 situation in Terengganu for BN? It shall be further noted that Ahmad Said has been increasingly isolated and it is believed that 18 out of 25 BN ADUNs are against him continuing his tenure as the MB of Terengganu. It is a rather sticky position for BN Terengganu now.

Ahmad Said's growing frustration can be detected when he openly criticised JKKK for failing to dispense their responsibilities. Signs of frustration and desperation on Ahmad Said's part. Of late, Ahmad Said's RM 8.3M spending to distribute dates and zam zam water to 300,000 houses in Terengganu has also been questioned. Distributing goodies during the fasting month is a kind gesture on the state government part but leaving the goodies at the gates of houses is not. What happen if there is no occupants? Or if someone else took the goodies? If BN workers can spare the time to visit each household during elections, can't they spend the same time to distribute the goodies? Can't Ahmad Said instruct the state officials to distribute the goodies? We haven't calculate the cost yet. Isn't RM 8.3M a lot of money? It works out to RM 27.66 per household and that RM 27 gives them a packet of dates and a bottle of Zam Zam water.

