Section 23 OTB charged: Better late than never

By Dr. Rafick

1. Most of the online media highlighted the story of the OTB (Orang Tak Bertamadun) being charged in court today for their demonstration with the cow head recently. Though some people question why it took the police such a long time to charge this people, I feel as long as they are charge under the appropriate ACT it is fine. Obviously being charged and being successfully being prosecuted is two different matters.

I supposed we have to wait as the matter progress in court. I believe the government decided to charge these OTB’s because of public pressure and the blogging community (writers, readers and commentators) plays a significant part that force the government to act. Otherwise, the matter could have had the usual conclusion.

2. I was talking to an old friend who was also my Commander during my service in Cambodia in 1992. This is an old school gentleman and I can vouch that he walks a straight line when it comes to doing work. He feels that the Shah Alam OCPD should be charged as well by the Police Force for dereliction of duties during the cow head demonstrations. His action for not nipping the problem in the bud in a way contributed to the escalation of the problem. The riot police was on standby but did not act. In a way, I agree that the Police should have an internal inquiry on why the OCPD failed to act appropriately during the incident and take the necessary action. This is a matter that police must consider to ensure that their policing quality improves.

3. Despite the charges that have been laid on the OTB’s, I believe public pressure must continue to ensure that the police act against the thugs during the town hall meeting. What kind of animal that threatened to kill and rape others? These are the people that claim that they are Muslims. This is a serious matter. As with the demonstration there are enough evidence on the internet to prove who said what and whether they mean what they had said.

4. It was also reported that the residents are happy with the new proposed site which is located 100m further from the original site. The original site is 200m and the new site is 300m away. I laugh when I read that the residents have agreed to accept the new site. I am glad they did that but it appears that their “unclear sensitivity” has disappeared with the additional 100m. Now we know that 200m is not OK but 300m is OK. These are a bunch of very funny people. My suggestion to them, this Raya holidays take a trip to my hometown in Chemor and visit a Malay Kampong named Kg Che Zainal. There is a huge Hindu temple in the middle of the Kampung. It is located 20 feet from the nearest house and they are not sensitive.

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