Selangor under siege II? Selangor PR Government, please wake up!

In my previous article, I wrote about BN/UMNO strategy in winning back the state of Selangor and I feel the article would not be complete if I don’t write anything about PR in Selangor.

In a way, indirectly the current Selangor PR government is also creating opportunity for UMNO (BN) to destabilize the government their public display of the disagreement between the various component party leaders.

2. The success of PR to form the government in the recent GE in Selangor, notably it is due to voter’s distribution ethnic, gender and age, education level and high internet penetration. The hate for BN (and its component) parties plays a significant role in changing the people mind set. The high percentage of non Malays in certain parts of semi urban Selangor also helps to tip the balance in PR favor.

3. While the Selangor government is under siege the biggest mistake they can make is being defensive. In any battle, it is a proven thing that the side that is being defensive always ends up losing in the long run. Temporary defense is a fair move but ultimately to ensure victory; PR has to be on the offensive. In my opinion, since elected, PR has been a defensive government.

4. It is time for PR to be on the offensive. Though the phrase of “being in the offensive” sounds harsh but it is an appropriate phrase to be use under these circumstances. It is time to be offensive with the objective of meeting people’s expectations as well as strengthening their internal political structure. Once people needs are being met then it will strengthen the peoples trust in the government.

5. First offensive action must be focused towards the PR loose coalition. As mentioned in the first paragraph that PR component leaders seem to provide the fuel for BN to burn their lamps. Their inability to discuss their discords behind closed doors is a matter of concern. Everybody wants to be a champion and they champion their cause via the media. Khir Toyo was right when he said that, even BN do not do anything the Selangor government will fall because indeed that is the perception that they give to the public.

