Islam’s propagation of violence against non-Muslims – correcting a misconception

Art Harun

My article "Of Islam, Churches and Temples" drew much attention from Malaysians and foreigners alike. Many readers posted positive comments on my blog as well as other blogs where that article appeared.

There are many non-Muslim readers who were in fact appreciative of Islam's position when it comes to the rights of non-Muslims to practise their respective faith and belief.

However, there are two commentators on my blog who posted some really inflammatory remarks about Islam. Hiding behind the skirt of anonymity, these two persons displayed so much hatred against Islam that I found it necessary to delete their respective comments from my blog. And I make no apology for doing so.

It is quite obvious that bigotry exists on both side of the fence. I don't mind engaging with anybody on whatever subject which are closed to my heart. But when people merely spew hatred and baseless allegations, especially against my faith, even more so in the comfort of anonymity, I find solace in my delete button. And I am gleeful that I don't even have to state a reason for so doing.

Having said so, I must hasten to add that this is not the first time I have encountered such baseless tirade from non-Muslims about Islam. And we, the Muslims and the so called Muslims, are not entirely blameless. Judging from the propensity of some so called Muslims to blow themselves up in crowded places nowadays, all in the name of "jihad", I am not surprised if non-Muslims think that Islam propagates violence, especially against non-Muslims.

And to add to that, the fact that Muslims began killing each other just after Prophet Muhammad's – peace be upon him – passing also lend credence to such belief. To further add to the image of violence, just look at the number of times we read about the Shiite bombing the Sunnis's mosque after or during Friday prayers and vice versa.

Such is the image of Islam nowadays that it is hard for non-Muslims not to be convinced that Islam is a faith which preaches violence and that "jihad" in Islam is all about killing non-believers for a place in heaven surrounded by 72 virgins and nice little boys who would serve drinks.

Sad. But that is the reality of it all, nowadays.

Most of the non-Muslims' misconception about Islam being a religion which propagates violence against non-Muslims stems from several verses in the Quran which seem to suggest that Muslims should go all out to kill non-Muslims. And the killing of non-Muslims is considered as a "jihad".

Among others, the followings are the relevant verses:

