Another to be caned for boozing

(NST) KUANTAN: An Indonesian with permanent resident status became the first person in the state to be jailed for consuming alcohol in public.

Odd-job worker Nazarudin Kamaruddin, 46, who has lived here for 33 years, was sentenced to a year's jail and six strokes of rotan by the Syariah High Court yesterday. The bachelor was charged with consuming samsu at Paramount Restaurant in Jalan Pasar at 10am on Aug 27.

The offence carries a maximum RM5,000 fine or maximum three years' jail or both and six strokes of the rotan.

Although Nazarudin pleaded guilty on Sept 9, judge Datuk Abdul Rahman Md Yunos in delivering the sentence said the accused, in mitigation, had admitted to having financial difficulties and would not be able to pay the fine.

Rahman said the accused was not able to raise bail when he was first charged on Sept 2 and had to be remanded at Penor prison.

"The sentence meted out to him is not meant as punishment but to serve as a lesson."

Rahman also ticked off Nazarudin for dishonouring the Ramadan by not fasting and by consuming alcohol in public. He said the accused, who migrated here from Indonesia at the age of 13, led an aimless life and did not have a steady job.

Rahman is the judge who created an uproar on July 20 by fining Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno, 32, RM5,000 and ordering her to be given six strokes of the rotan after she pleaded guilty to consuming beer at a hotel in Cherating two years ago.

The Pahang Religious Department (Jaip) will expedite the caning of Kartika, a part-time model and mother of two children, after Hari Raya Aidilfitri should the Syariah Appeal Court uphold the decision of the Syariah High Court.

Nazarudin, when met outside the court, expressed his fear that his PR status might be revoked because of his conviction.

He said he had bought a bottle of samsu for RM3.20 to share with two friends at the restaurant when the place was raided by a team from the Pahang Religious Department.

"I've been in this country for so many years and have been very careful not to get into the wrong side of the law for fear of losing my PR status."
