Ayurvedic massage to expel MIC’s poison
You expect this kind of thing to happen. From a party composed of members who think nothing of throwing chairs and projectiles and one even carrying a coffin to its assembly, this 'kichi mayung' thing is bound to happen.
An overzealous MIC member, fed by urgings and maybe signals from top MIC leadership garlanded Tun Dr Mahathir's portrait with slippers.
This is a reflection of the mercurial temperament of MIC leaders. Each year, when Tun Dr Mahathir was PM, we feasted on the highest form of sycophantic adulation – Samy Vellu will hand feed some delicious Indian morsel into Tun M's mouth. Each year, the MIC leader will do that without fail. But then, no one need be surprised of such antics from a person capable of baring his hairy chest and asking another MIC member to fight with him.
Last week, in a blatant attempt to shift blame, Samy Vely stated that the MIC was broken because voters rejected BN. People he said, were not angry at him but at BN. The solution is simple then. If MIC's fortune is injured by being part of BN, then it should take the most honorable step to leave BN.
Then Samy Vellu and other MIC hotheads can test the veracity of Samy Vellu's claim. That MIC can fare better had it not been part of BN. Samy Vellu must take the step to disassociate MIC from a damaged brand. We would like to see, which constituency MIC members can make it on their own.