Sabah Government Continues Hoodwinking Natives?

By Putt for Change

Sabahans today (yesterday) celebrated Malaysia Day with disgust and fuming that the UMNO/BN Government of Sabah have completely forgotten historical facts.While these 'misinformed politicians' may not have altered history,but their 'non-committal' in addressing and setting the record straight has further confirmed that UMNO/BN Sabah are mere stooges to their political masters.Actually I strongly suggest and urge UMNO/BN in Sabah to resign en-block as they have failed miserably in addressing an issue which have been going on for the last 46 years.

But today,I'm fuming on another important issue where the UMNO/BN Government of Sabah has played an active role in conspiring with the constant robbing of native ancestral land and in cahoots with huge plantation corporation.The natives of Sabah have been robbed and raped of their lands,and yet the government has not only turned their eye away but has down graded the natives to mere squanders.Ironically the three(3) Kadazan based political parties,PBS,UPKO and PBRS which claim to defend the rights of the Kadazan Murut community,have now shamelessly failed in their cause to protect their rights.

I had the opportunity to speak to Datuk Kong Hong Ming,a lawyer and Native Customary Rights(NCR) activist recently,with regards to native customary rights and this is what he had to say……….

Datuk Kong Hong Ming (left) today urged the State Government and Department of Lands & Surveys to give priority and act immediately to settle land ownership claimed by the natives of Sabah who are losing their ancestral land and land acquired by native customary rights (NCR) in stead of offering lip-service.

According to Kong, native customary right in the form of customary tenure, even without any document of title, confers a permanent heritable and transferable right over occupancy and use of land under our system of land law.

In his statement today, Kong disputed the statement of the Director of Lands & Surveys Sabah, Datuk Osman Jamal claiming that the State Government and Department of Lands & Surveys never neglected their duty to protect the rights and privileges of the native community in terms of land ownership.

