What does Umno value?

By Ding Jo-Ann, The Nut Graph

THE disproportionate response to the recent "slipper garland" proposal by an MIC delegate highlights once again what the Umno-led Barisan Nasional (BN) government really values above all else.

Umno politicians have been falling over themselves in the rush to defend Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad against an MIC delegate's suggestion to garland the former premier's portrait with slippers.

Tan Sri Muhiyiddin Yassin, Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussein and Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir were quick to express their disappointment, shock and hurt at M Sukumaran's "insolent, rude and extreme" remarks made during the recent MIC general assembly. Cheras Umno division chief Datuk Syed Ali Alhabshee stated that insulting Mahathir was akin to insulting all Malay Malaysians, although how that is true was not established.

Utusan Malaysia, which reported on these leaders' responses, also made it clear its indignation. Jangan biadab, screamed its front page on 15 Sept 2009. MIC perlu minta maaf, blared another headline on their four-page coverage of the issue. Four-page? Yes, that's right.

Amidst the clamour, Sukumaran was swiftly suspended on 15 Sept 2009 by MIC president Datuk Seri S Samy Vellu, who himself had earlier criticised Dr Mahathir albeit without referring to any footwear. A heartfelt and humble apology was then given by the disgraced delegate, just two days after he was catapulted into the limelight by his offending statement.

"I regret having uttered those words ('slipper garland'). I regretted it very much. I sincerely hope Mahathir will accept my apology," Malaysiakini reported him as saying. "I was carried away emotionally when I made the remark which had seriously hurt the feelings of Mahathir," he added.

