Breaking MCA’s Da Vinci Code

MCA's EGM day on October 10 is also Taiwan's Independence Day. It is Ong Tee Keat's way of showing the middle finger to the reference about the 921 Earthquake. OTK wants MCA liberated from the power-hungry, self-centered CSL.

I Love Malaysia

Dan Brown would not have been able to top the intricacies of the codes associated with the MCA EGM, and its power-play. There's lots at stake, involving parties from the triads to the police to reference to suicide bombers. Here's a sampling:
921 – That's the number of requisitionists Chua Soi Lek put up for the EGM. And also a reference to the cataclysmic earthquake that shook up Taiwan a few years back. And that's the damage CSL hopes to inflict on the MCA and BN just so he can become the party president. 921 also refers to the triads, something CSL's hardcore supporter Dato' Song Kee Chai admitted here:

The requisition was submitted at 4pm. As anyone knows, "4" symbolises "death" in Chinese.
911- September 11 was the date CSL submited the requisition. But why on the 8th anniversary of the deadly terrorists attacks which changed the course of human history? That's because he wanted the world to know that like Osama bin Laden, collateral damage means nothing. What is important is that he achieves his goal.  
921 + 911 = 1832 -The number refers to another notorious gang, the Wah Kee. Let's leave the triads alone.
10/10 – MCA's EGM day on October 10 is also Taiwan's Independence Day. It is Ong Tee Keat's way of showing the middle finger to the reference about the 921 Earthquake. OTK wants MCA liberated from the power-hungry, self-centered CSL.
2119 – That's the number which struck third prize in the Damacai draw 2 days after CSL sent in his requisition. It's also a permutation of 921. The additional "1" symbolises 1Malaysia, 1EGM, 1MCA and  1Leader – something which PM and OTK had wanted. We all know the draws can be rigged, especially when the govt needs money or wants to send someone a message (and we also know that the underground betting syndicates are also run by the triads). Not convinced? Read below.
92 – That's the number of persons who got their citizenship on Malaysia Day from Home Minister Hishamuddin Hussein in a carefully-crafted PR exercise.

. Most of them are Chinese, just look at the press pictures. It's a subtle message that the Home Minister is keeping an eye on MCA. Hisham opted for 92 because 9 + 2 = 11. And 9211 is a permutation of the engineered winning number above. The message is crystal-clear: The police are watching elements of triads linked to people out to inflict damage to the country.
Hisham is not a stupid person and he is the PM's cousin. The police are under Hisham.. The Special Branch feeds him info all the time. This includes developments in MCA. Hisham knows the setting up of Parti Cinta Malaysia can deeply embarrass CSL. Why else do you think the ROS approved Parti Cinta Malaysia at the speed of the F1Malaysia cars?

. ROS falls under Hisham. Many other political parties took ages to register, but not PCM.

By the time you read here, you may have realised that this article has 9 paragraphs, of which only 2 times did the cryptic numbers mentioned not start with nine and that there is only 1 message: CSL is using sinister, evil forces to destroy the MCA, and the nation. He must be stopped.
