Mahathir’s contribution to Malaysia in a nutshell
By R. Shan (Human Being)
For the the selected Malays, he created nepotism, racism, cronyism for the super elite to rape and bleed the country. There is enough evidence starting from Perwaja Steel to KPM. Of course, the trend continues with the current administration.
For the rest of the Malay masses, they are still in the doldrums except for those in the middle class who are neither able to reach the super elite stage or crawl down to the poorer Malays.
For the Chinese, Mahathir was a God given boon to them where they didn’t have to worry as long as they can suap others with bribery, they will continue to accumulate their wealth and who cares how the nation goes. Ever wondered why the Ah Long is so popular?
I understand that the PKFZ is the mother of all scandals these days. Now see who is involved and see the bigger picture. Another epitome of Mahathir’s contribution to the society.
For the Chinese masses, they are quite self sufficient as it is in their nature to work hard and thrive to achieve their needs. That is what they have done and kudos to them. You would probably have the highest number of Chinese migrating out of Malaysia as they are always survivors of the fittest for their own individual needs.
For the Indians, lost for words, they are probably the most discriminated and marginalized amongst the major societies in present day Malaysia although they had contributed immensely to the progress of the nation
in the 50s, 60s, 70s, & 80s either through public or private industry.
Except for elite Indians mainly through politics and those who chose to rub shoulders with the Mathathir-led cronies, naturally the Indian masses are in such a depleted state that they contribute to the highest suicide rate, crime rate and of course those who are proclaimed stateless in proportion to the population. Thanks to policies of Dr. Mathathir and his goons.
Now, talking about the Orang Asli is pretty futile because nobody even knows of their existence or their God-given rights in their own land. Foreigners from Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan and other nations probably have more say in the state of the country – and yes of course, thanks to Dr. Mahathir again.
Now, with all these contributions since the mid-1980’s being the landscape of Malaysia that had been changed solely and purely on Dr. Mahathir’s doing, my concern is why has the public been so quiet and subservient? Is this what they sought?
Okay, let’s not cry over spilt milk. But what can we do now? We can do a lot, but we need to synergize with other Malaysians irrespective of our origins. I know you have your needs and so do I, but we cannot continue
to be blind and hope that HINDRAF, MT, Mkini, or other bloggers are our only avenues. Yes, they have created the momentum and continue to do their part but they need our action on a collective basis.
The avenue is plentiful if we Malaysians activate our own social consciousness for our community. Differences in opinion is acceptable as long as it serves the community in fairness and equality. Sure, you will come across various stumbling blocks, but are we ready to revolutionize our actions rather than keep pondering
what should be on our plate without doing anything about it?
There is never a perfect solution, but if we really cherish the society that we have in Malaysia, then Malaysians like you and I will find a way to enhance our collective causes. We need to discuss and find a way out ourselves.
I am sure, at the back of your mind, you will be thinking who the F*** is this guy to preach and who does he think he is! Trust me, as much as you made yourself, I made myself and I really don’t care because my
objective is very simple. I care for Malaysia and Malaysians irrespective of origins as this is my motherland and I will carry on doing what is necessary to enhance it and hope that all Malaysians around the globe will endeavour to strive for a true Malaysian agenda.
Politics have been dominating our lives and the people are suffering. Let’s change that. Let politics suffer and the people become stronger.
Let's undo Mahathir's contributions.
I am reachable at [email protected]