Uphill still for Pakatan to from a coalition

But apart from hesitation springing from the fear of loss of independence, Zaid acknowledged the parties were facing enemies from within. In particular, he picked on PAS Selangor commissioner Hassan Ali, whom many Pakatan leaders have demanded be reprimanded or even removed for publicly backstabbing his colleagues.

Malaysian Mirror

PKR leader Zaid Ibrahim has admitted that a tough road still lies ahead for his party and its two partners DAP and PAS to seal a formal alliance, not least because of individual feelings of insecurities that each party may lose their special identity once an official bloc is formed.

“Promises are easy to make but implementing these requires a strong political will and stand. This is the real challenge for parties in Pakatan,” he said in his blog.

The former law minister joined PKR after he was sacked from Umno for protesting the government’s use of the Internal Security Act against civilians.

He has been tasked by Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim to mediate and sort out differences among the three parties and knock together a coalitional agreement.

zaid1.jpg“The rakyat want to know how far Pakatan Rakyat is willing to implement their promises in their manifesto,” Zaid said.

“They seem to want to know realistically the extent that PAS, DAP and Keadilan can find common ground in sensitive and divergent issues.”

Enemies from within

But apart from hesitation springing from the fear of loss of independence, Zaid acknowledged the parties were facing enemies from within.

In particular, he picked on PAS Selangor commissioner Hassan Ali, whom many Pakatan leaders have demanded be reprimanded or even removed for publicly backstabbing his colleagues.

Speculation has been rife that Hassan is a Trojan horse for Umno and few would be surprised if he crossed over when the crunch came.

“What is the point of PAS promising in its manifesto to become a transparent government that wants to abolish the Official Secrets Act, that wants to draft new laws like the Freedom of Information Act, if the early genuine efforts of Selcat in Selangor have already been opposed and challenged by PAS,” Zaid demanded

Zaid also slammed shallow thinking among many leaders, especially from PAS, as being another key drag on the Pakatan’s prospects.

“It is as if for PAS Youth, the effort to fight corruption, oppression, abuse of power and inciting racism is less important compared to the efforts to make sure the young who are just learning to love and wish to be entertained freely are obstructed from enjoying a little freedom,” he wrote.
