PAS will not act against Hasan over Selcat

(The Star) NILAI: PAS is not planning to take disciplinary action against Selangor PAS commissioner Datuk Dr Hasan Mohamed Ali for his recent criticism of the Selangor state assemblyman’s Committee for Competency, Accountability and Transperancy (Selcat), but the party would demand a formal explanation from him.

Party deputy president Nasharudin Mat Isa said Dr Hasan was only giving his opinion about the need of reforms on the investigation procedures of Selcat and he was not asking for a reshuffle.

“I do not see the need to reach that stage. For me, Dr Hasan was just giving his suggestions and that is not wrong. In that context, there is no need to take disciplinary action.

“We will ask for an explanation from him on what really happened,” he said when met at his Hari Raya open house Sunday in Bandar Bukit Mahkota.

He said the party would meet up for its central committee meeting on Tuesday in Seremban to discuss about Dr Hasan and the Bagan Pinang by-election.

When asked if the call for disciplinary action against Dr Hasan was an attempt by certain quarters in the Selangor PAS to bring him down, Nasharudin replied that it wasn’t so.

“In any organisation, there will always be a difference in opinions and this normal. I view it as just a difference of ideas and opinions and hopefully, it would not bring any chronic problems to the Selangor government,” he said.

Nasharudin added that he had earlier received an explanation and information from Dr Hasan and other parties on the matter and there is no issue about PAS leaving the Pakatan Rakyat coalition.

“From the explanation, I would like to state that there is no issue about PAS leaving Pakatan. We hold firmly to our decision at the muktamar in Ipoh and in Shah Alam.

“Insya-Allah we will face all issues that crop up with a united spirit that we have long built. Selcat was formed with the consensus of PAS, DAP and PKR to govern Selangor.

“And what is happening lately, in my opinion, could be a result of miscommunication. Maybe the way it was portrayed in the media has given it another impression,” he said.

Nevertheless, Nasharudin said the party would take the necessary steps to resolve the issue and the Selangor MB had already called for a meeting with the three parties – Selangor administration, Selcat and the civil administration.

He added that he hope there would be no further statements and speculation on the matter from any parties on the matter and PAS would issue a formal statement on the matter after its central committee meeting.

Dr Hasan had earlier hit out at Selcat, which is chaired by assemblyman Speaker Teng Chang Khim, for ‘grilling’ senior civil servants over constituency allocations.

He has since come under fire from his colleagues for his outburst.
