“The Hassan Ali” and SELCAT

By Dr. Rafick

1. Though the issue of Hassan Ali and his antics has been going on for a while, I had decided to stay on the sideline because I wanted to hear the pieces from everyone. His latest comment and attacked on SELCAT even receives UMNO Selangor backing. While initially he appears to be going against SELCAT and after tremendous pressure he claims that he is merely raising the concern on how government officers were being demonized by SELCAT.

2. About a week after PR won the state of Selangor, I wrote an article on my blog under the heading “Clean strategies to continue winning the peoples heart – Part 1” which went online on the 20/3/2008. In that article I highlighted the importance of the State Government in refocusing its goal on the people, enhancing the professionalism of the state government machinery, improving public relations between the state and the people, maximizing ROI on the state assets and the most importantly the Formation of the Good Governance Commission (GGC).

3. I shall reserve my comments on the many issues that have been raised in the above said article and for now I want to say a few words on my suggestions on the formation of GGC. Maybe in the initial stage, someone in the Selangor Government read my blog and decided to form SELCAT which essentially embodies on what I had written about the GGC.

4. Outright, I must say that I support the formation of SELCAT but it has not really met my expectation of the formation of GCC. It appears that SELCAT was formed to dig up dirt that has been buried by the previous government as well as to show the people how dirty some BN office bearers has been. This is a fair thing to do. After all BN has been attacking PR from all corners using all available government machinery. My expectation is beyond what they are doing now. I expect them to push for good governance. This has not been reflected in SELCAT agenda.

5. Hassan Ali real intentions are only known to him but I must say that I am extremely displeased with his methods of raising issues. What he has done is actually weakening the non Muslim support for PAS. Some of my non Muslim friends now begin to question the validity of the slogan “PAS for all”. This goes without saying that it is affecting the stability of the PR government.

6. Hassan Ali needs to learn the meaning of being a team player. A well oiled efficient that shows a cohesive front always ensure that everyone wins. Unfortunately he is looking for a solo victory as if this is a 100m race. I am not sure what is waiting for him at the end of the 100m line.

Read more at: http://rights2write.wordpress.com/2009/09/27/the-hassan-ali-and-selcat/

