Mais spell out who can speak on Islam in Selangor

(Bernama) – The Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais) has drawn up guidelines on issuing public statements through the media on Islamic matters in the state.

Mais chairman Datuk Mohamad Adzib Mohd Isa said all public statements related to issues involving religious administration in the state and all directives to religious officers and mosque officials could only be issued by the Mais chairman, Mais secretary or the director of the state Islamic Religious Affairs Department (Jais).

“Any other person wishing to issue such a statement must first get the approval of the Mais chairman,” he added in a statement issued here today.

Mohamad Adzib said the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah had given his consent to the guidelines which were applicable in the state.

He said there were five religious authorities with jurisdiction over Islamic religious administration in the state, namely the Sultan, Mais, state Mufti’s Department, the Syariah courts and Jais.


This basically means PAS should shut up.
