Forced to say she was raped?

(Malaysian Mirror) – Amid growing public concern of a state cover-up, a 22-year-old Penan woman has denied she was ever raped, claiming she was duped into going to Kuala Lumpur and telling the police that a logger had taken advantage of her.

However, an NGO said the victimised women in the Ulu Baram area – who had cried out for national help against rape by timbermen – are now living under tremendous pressure.

“They can easily buckle and deny being raped or victimised under these circumstances,” said Sahabat Alam Malaysia field officer Jok Jau Evong.

Meanwhile, the woman has lodged a police report.

She said two men approached her at home in Long Item last October and offered to bring her to Kuala Lumpur to seek treatment for her daughter, who was ill at the time.

Rape did not happen

But later, one of the men, a Penan, told her point-blank she had to lodge a police report.
