Bagan Pinang. One Tan Sri. Two Datuks. (UPDATED WITH BM TRANSLATION)
By Steadyaku47
Nobody is going to catch Isa giving money in Bagan Pinang. But the money is there for the taking. And they have so much to give away that they need three guys to do it…and here is the thing. Isa and UMNO are not keen to throw money around no no…they have got these three guys to do it for them. And not only that – they are not using Malays this time around.
The wheeling and the dealing has started in Bagan Pinang. This Isa Samad have pledged – with hands on his heart and the other hand with fingers crossed behind his back – that he will win Bagan Pinang. But he will not do what he did when he got caught for money politics in UMNO the last time. That time he was physically handing over the money like nobody’s business – thinking that those that took the money from him will know that he is generous – and that they can count on him to give them more when elected. He was elected but he did not count on Pak Lah’s insistence that they go after Isa and when UMNO members knew that Isa was going to be the ‘sacrificial lamb’ of money politics -the very people who took money from Isa now took money again to declare that Isa had bribed them! As they say there is no honour among thieves. Isa is not sorry for his involvement in money politics – he is just sorry that he was caught.
Nobody is going to catch Isa giving money in Bagan Pinang. But the money is there for the taking. And they have so much to give away that they need three guys to do it…and here is the thing. Isa and UMNO are not keen to throw money around no no…they have got these three guys to do it for them. And not only that – they are not using Malays this time around.
And do not say that UMNO are not smart…sorry the word is ‘devious’. Do not think that UMNO is not devious. Isa/UMNO will be not using Malays. They will also not be using their own money (well our money actually but that is a technicality – possession is nine tenth ownership)….and UMNO and Isa want to physically keep as far away as they can from the actual giving of money.
They have manage to get three chinese ‘volunteers’ to do it for them.
So let us recap. They have got three chinese towkays…one a Tan Sri and two Datuks who have all beniftted from Isa’s era as MB of Negri Sembilan – to volunteer to help them in Bagan Pinang. As Najib and Isa have told these three – it is pay back time. They have made their money from business opportunities given to them by Barisan now it is time to donate towards Isa’s cause.
Now with Pak Lah…he does not want to know about money politics – he thinks out of sight means there is no money politics. With Najib and Mahyuddin it is different. They know what Isa is doing with these thee guys and they know that these three guys will have to be compensated for their ‘donation’ in the future.
This is what money politics is. These three Chinese Towkays will ‘invest’ on Isa wining the by – election. Isa knows it. Najib and Mahyuddin knows it. UMNO knows it. And those taking the money knows where to go to get the money. It is a merry go round and they think that we do not know about it?
I know who the three are and I will name them –
Read more at: Bagan Pinang – One Tan Sri. Two Datuks.
Translated into BM at: Bagan Pinang – One Tan Sri. Two Datuks in Bahasa with thanks to Gurila Rakyat.