Isa Samad versus Nik Aziz

By Khoo Kay Peng

“How is Kelantan better than Negri Sembilan? We have brought a lot of development to the state,” Isa told reporters.

He urged PAS to advise Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat how to better run the Kelantan government instead of exposing his alleged failure as the Negri Sembilan mentri besar for 22 years.

We all know the real truth why Negri Sembilan has more infrastructure development compared to Kelantan, except for maybe Isa.

Remember Trengganu and the suspended oil royalty? The same is happening to Kelantan. The federal government refuses to release the royalty payment to the state. A legal suit has been brought against the federal government by the Kelantan state government.

Remember Penang and the suspended heritage development fund? The refusal of the Tourism Ministry to help promote the state?

We can only have a basis to compare if the federal government is willing to practice fair play and allow the channeling of funds to these states.

Isa is better than Nik Aziz? Probably wealthier.

Read more at: Isa Samad versus Nik Aziz
