Keris gone, big talk coming
By uppercaise
When Najib Tun Razak addresses Unesco in Paris on Tuesday, it will be hailed as another “great achievement” by another so-called “great Malaysian”.
Will anyone see the irony in that he will be speaking at the institution where was lost an opportunity to have a real Malay achievement recognised by the world? That Unesco, which guards the world’s heritage, lists the keris, a truly potent symbol of the greater Malay world, as an exclusively Indonesian artifact?
Instead, Malaysians will be told this week that our great achievement is that Najib will be the first Malaysian leader in Unesco’s 50 years to make a speech there.
“It will be a historic moment as no other Malaysian leaders had been invited to deliver a keynote address at the conference. It is an honour to the leadership of our country,” said Muhyiddin.
‣ Bernama report in June 2009
A moment of personal ego satisfaction twisted into a historic moment for a country… Can Malaysian politicians tell the difference between personal pseudo-achievement and true national achievement?
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